1st Special Forces Command Dense Urban Studies Leadership Professional Development

The National Center for Urban Operations (NCUO) maintains a strong working relationship with the US Army 1st Special Forces Command (1SFC) and Special Operations Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve (SOJTF-OIR) of Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). The purpose of this relationship is to enhance these units’ understanding of the Dense Urban Environment and threats that lurk there such that it may train, advise, and augment partner forces capable of excelling amidst this complexity, especially in the context of the Counter Islamic State campaign in Iraq. Engagements have included leader professional development seminars alongside foreign urban practitioners like the Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (ICTS), senior mentorship of operational units in 1st and 7th Special Forces Groups, and partnered efforts to conduct capabilities-based assessments of combat-arms mission essential tasks like close quarters battle and subterranean maneuver. This relationship remains active since June 2016, with seven engagements as of October 2021. These include dense urban & subterranean targeting (DUST) distinguished leader professional development (D-LPD) with SOJTF-OIR (April 2019), virtual leader professional development (V-LPD) with 1st Special Forces Group (April 2020) and 7th Special Forces Group (November 2020 & February 2021), and immersive leader professional development (I-LPD) with 7th (April 2021), 10th, and 20th (September 2021) Special Forces Groups.

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Photo Credit: DOD. Some photos do not depict events facilitated by NCUO and are used for illustrative purposes only.