75th Ranger Regiment Dense Urban Environment Hack-A-Thon “Seeing Into the Unknown” Confined Space Awareness Challenge

The National Security Innovation Network (NSIN) conducts a Dense Urban Environment “Seeing Into the Unknown” Confined Space Awareness Hack-A-Thon in fulfillment of the 75th Ranger Regiment’s Challenge Statement and supported by the National Center for Urban Operations (NCUO), the Asymmetric Warfare Group (AWG), the Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) Armaments Center (ARDEC), Army TRADOC Mad Scientist Initiative, and the Dense Urban Terrain Detachment (DUTD) 75th Innovation Command-NYC. The purpose of this online event is to enhance the situational awareness and operational effectiveness of military practitioners and first responders by developing technologies to sense confined space activity and characteristics; and to deliver the information generated into a software application for display to decision-makers in an intuitive manner. To this end, mentors engaged nearly 200 participants across the country over the span of two months to generate and select optimal solutions. The top five concepts with teams will be funded by NSIN to travel to the in-person Hack-A-Thon in the fall to compete for three grants and NSIN cultivation. More information on this event can be found at the Defense Innovation Network, here.
This event is ongoing from 24 April to 26 June 2020.

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