75th Ranger Regiment Dense Urban Studies Leadership Professional Development

The National Center for Urban Operations (NCUO) maintains a strong working relationship with the US Army Special 75th Ranger Regiment (75RR) of Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). The purpose of this relationship is to enhance the 75th Ranger Regiment’s capacity to operate among the Dense Urban Environment such that it may succeed therein and fulfill the Abram’s Charter of disseminating this capability throughout the rest of the Army by way of its rotational leadership. Engagements have included leader professional development seminars alongside foreign urban practitioners like the Indian National Security Guard (NSG), senior mentorship and facilitation of unit innovation initiatives through 2nd Battalion’s Innovation Team Rainier and 75th Ranger Regiment RAID (Rapid Acquisition & Innovation Detachment), and partnered efforts to conduct capabilities-based assessments of combat-arms mission essential tasks like close quarters battle and subterranean maneuver.
This relationship remains active since February 2019, with seven engagements as of June 2021.

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Photo Credit: DOD. Some photos do not depict events facilitated by NCUO and are used for illustrative purposes only.