Defense Innovation & Industrial Base Emerging Technology Development, Testing, & Evaluation

The National Center for Urban Operations (NCUO) supports the development of material solutions in support of multiple entities within the Defense Industrial & Innovation Base (DIIB). The purpose of this role is to leverage the team’s reservoir of conflict and reconnaissance experience to advise government research, development, & engineering (RD&E) partners as they refine emerging technologies to better address operational capability gaps. To this end, NCUO has supported multiple RD&E entities including Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Training and Doctrine Commands (TRADOC) Mad Scientist Initiative, and the the Army Futures Command (AFC) Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) and Army Applications Lab (AAL) with interagency coordination, dense urban terrain immersion, and subject matter expertise.
These events included a dense urban leader professional development (DUE LPD) in November 2018, and capabilities exercises in August, September, December 2019, and September 2020.

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