United States Military Academy at West Point Leader and Material Development


The National Center for Urban Operations (NCUO) maintains a strong relationship with elements of the United States Military Academy (USMA) at Westpoint and its affiliated thinktanks the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) and the Modern War Institute (MWI). The purpose of this relationship is to provide conceptual development and educational improvement opportunities for cadets and officers in New York City. To this end, NCUO supports innovation and conceptual development projects through USMA and MWI; hosts military officer interns during the summers between graduate school semesters; and contributes to symposiums, podcasts, and publications produced by these entities to advance the body of knowledge about dense urban operations and complexity resolution.

The MWI Urban Warfare Project can be found here. Pat is featured on a March 2020 podcast entitled “Preparing Militaries for the Complexity of Megacities” with MWI here.

This relationship includes conference attendance in September 2017 & 2018, April 2019; hosting the CTC Downing Scholars at Fort Hamilton in April 2019; supporting USMA innovation initiatives in August 2019; and supporting USMA conceptual development through Spring 2020.

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Photo Credit: DOD. Some photos do not depict events facilitated by NCUO and are used for illustrative purposes only.