US Army Maneuver Captain’s Career Course Dense Urban Studies Leadership Professional Development

The National Center for Urban Operations (NCUO) partners with the Asymmetric Warfare Group Dense Urban Terrain Detachment (DUTD) to conduct Dense Urban Studies Leader Professional Development (DUS LPD) for the US Army Maneuver Captain’s Career Course (MCCC). The purpose of the course is to expose select company-grade infantry, armor, and combat arms leaders to the unique challenges of multi-domain operations (MDO) amongst the complexities of the dense urban environment. The one week course out of Fort Hamilton, New York features classroom engagements covering strategic context, structural analysis, and interagency cooperation, and field exercises including terrain immersion, Manhattan overflights, and subterranean rescue.
Courses are conducted once per year in April, with four executions as of June 2020.

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Photo Credit: DOD. Some photos do not depict events facilitated by NCUO and are used for illustrative purposes only.